Resonate organizes a conference on "Announcing the strategic plans for the districts of Mukalla and Tarim" in Hadramout copy

This morning, in Hadramout, a conference on "Announcing the strategic plans of Mukalla and Tarim" Districts was held as part of the "My Contribution is Development " project which implemented by the Resonate!Yemen partnership with volunteer organization with the support of the European Union Commission in Yemen.

This morning, in Hadramout, a conference on "Announcing the strategic plans of Mukalla and Tarim" Districts was held as part of the "My Contribution is Development " project which implemented by the Resonate!Yemen partnership with volunteer organization with the support of the European Union Commission in Yemen.

The aim of the conference is to review the development plans of the targeted districts, and the urgent requirements needed by the two directorates, in order to improve the livelihood of citizens, upgrade the infrastructure and services, and enhance the performance of service institutions.

In the opening speech, Mr. Nizar Al Kathiri, Executive Director of the Volunteers Foundation, praised the efforts and cooperation of the local authority in Hadramout for the success of the conference, the most prominent of which was the plans that were presented during the conference. He also thanked the interaction and attendance of a number of civil society organizations, community committees, and a number of executive departments in the governorate and their active participation in the conference.

In a speech by Eng. Amin Barzeq, Undersecretary of Hadramout Governorate for Technical Affairs, he talked about the importance of these plans in promoting the work of the local authority and that it will be a first step to bring about development. He also praised the prominent role of the Resonate! Yemen and the Volunteers Foundation to contribute to preparing strategic and developmental plans and programs that help the local authority to work on improving public services needed by citizens.

Engineer Saleh Al-Omari, Director of the Technical Office in the Mukalla District, presented a complete detail of the most important projects that have been studied for the city of Mukalla, which indicate the needs of the community in several different sectors, such as the education sector, health, public works and the water sector. He also presented an idea of ​​the way work is conducted in order to improve these sectors and address the problems that concern the citizen.
During the conference, the Director General of Tarim Directorate / Counselor Khaled Howeidi reviewed the strategic plans for the city of Tarim, which included all service sectors in the city, referring to the methodology of preparing the plan, including data collection, conducting rehabilitation workshops, and the involvement of civil society organizations. Developmental. During the conference, an introductory video on the “My Contribution to Development” project was shown, as well as a review of the strategic plans and reports of the Mukalla and Tarim districts. After that, the floor was opened for discussion for the participants on the topics covered by the conference to express their opinions and benefit from their proposals.

The conference was attended by Mr. Eng. Amin Barzeq, Undersecretary of Hadramout Governorate for Technical Affairs, the directors of Tarim and Mukalla directories, members of the local council in Mukalla and Tarim districts, a group of businessmen, representatives of many international and local organizations and civil society activists, in addition to the presence of various media outlets to cover the event.

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